Show HN: I made a minimalistic AI calendar creator to accelerate daily planning
( points by ilancreates 3 months ago | 14 comments
Hey Hacker News!
To test implementing AI (and paywalls tbh) in software for the first time, I made this simple calendar creator (no mail address required) that lets a person create a calendar based on his needs and availability and export it to his calendar app, pdf or receive a daily newsletter with his daily tasks (and more).
After wrestling with different models (f.e. with huggingface) and encountering different problems, I decided to use ChatGPT's models, tune them a little and see how the result works out. ChatGPT's low price enables me to give users the opportunity to create calendars for free and without a mail address required.
Demo video:
The website/tool includes:
- Creating your calendar based on a title, date range and a description
- Editing and "polishing" the calendar until getting a desired result
- Exporting the calendar to your calendar app (can be Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, etc...)
- Exporting the calendar to PDF
- Signing up for a daily newsletter that contains a user's daily tasks, reminders, special ai notes and more!
Some technical stuff:
- I am using firestore database and paypal payments
- I am always using the latest-fastest ChatGPT AI model (as generation-time is really important here)
- The website is created with Nuxt 3 (Nuxt for vuejs is what Next is for reactjs) and designed with tailwindcss
pimlottc 3 months ago | next |
I don’t understand this at all. How is this going to help me create a calendar? It says it will send me tasks - what tasks?
The website needs a lot more explanation.